Below are a couple of very brief thoughts from two William Edgar lectures. Follow the link for the lectures in full… What Does The Bible Say About Music?
Where is Music in the bible?
When you think of music in a Christian context you probably
think of worship music. What we find
when we look at the bible however is something quite different. Yes, music is used in worship again and again
but it’s also used in all these different situations:
Work songs Num 21:17, Is 16:10, Is 27:2
Num 21:27, Psalm 68, 2 Ch 20:21, Ex 15:20
Instruction, prophecy, mutual edification 1Kings 4:32, 2 Kings 3:15, Col 3:16
Love songs and seduction Psalm 45, Song of Sol 2:12,
Ezek 33:32, Gen31:27, Jer 25:10
Entertainment Job 21:12, Is 24:9, Dan 6:18, Luke 15:25
With dance Ex 15:20, Psalm 68:25, Mat 11:17
Derision Job 30:9, Lam 3:14
Mourning 2 Sam 1:18-27, 1 Kings 13:30, Mat 11:17
These verses are just a drop in the ocean of where music is
talked about in scripture and affirmed as being a good part of humanity. Perhaps the greatest affirmation of the
goodness of music is seen in the life of David who God calls, “a man after his
own heart” (1Sam 13:14). We all know
that David wrote many of the Psalms that we still sing in the church today but
did you know David played the lyre every day with no mention of a singing
accompaniment (1Sam:18:10)? God didn’t
see it as a waste of time for David to make music even though he had a host of
other, what some would see as more useful, gifts. In fact it was David’s gift of making music that really made him stand out in
the world (1 Sam 16:17-18). So if you
are a Christian and you are good at music, keep it up.
What Does Music Do?
There is a word of warning for when we engage in music. It seems to have the effect of heightening
human emotion and moving our affections.
This can be good and it can be bad.
The great theologian Jonathon Edwards comments about worship,
‘[T]he duty of singing praises to God, seems to be appointed
wholly to excite and express religious affections. No other reason can be
assigned, why we should express ourselves to God in verse, rather than in
prose, and do it with music, but only, that such is our nature and frame, that
these things have a tendency to move our affections.’
Music can lead us in good directions and help us enjoy God
and his creation but it can just as easily lead us in bad directions. Another great theologian, Augustine, took the
emotional effect of music very seriously,
'Yet when it happens
to me that the music moves me more than the subject of the song, I confess
myself to commit a sin deserving of punishment, and then I would prefer not to
have heard the singer.' Confessions,
X, xxxiii
You might not agree with Augustine but the point is we have
to be careful about what we listen to and when we listen to it. Music does affect our emotions and our
emotions affect what we do. It is a rich
gift from God but like all his gifts their ultimate purpose is to help us
delight in him.
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