Who are we?

Interface Arts exists to help you to serve Jesus in your creative endeavours and engage with the challenges of being a student at art college.

We are passionate about seeing Christian art students live wholeheartedly for Jesus: both in the way that you create,  and also in the way that you do life at art college.  We pray that this blog will bless, encourage and resource you to get digging deeper into gospel truths, and delight all the more in the gifts God has given you.

We hope you'll enjoy rooting around the blog for books to read, talks to listen to, our own thoughts on art and the gospel plus much much more!

Introducing UCCF's* Arts Staff Workers (and blog contributors)...

I would introduce myself as a painter but actually I do more drawing that anything else when I'm in my studio.  I'm married to Johanne and we have two young children called Douglas and Jamie.  Since graduating from Edinburgh College of Art in 2006 I worked part time and made art part time until I was offered the opportunity to become an Arts Staff Worker for UCCF which I did for three years.  This year I'm continuing to work as an Associate Staff Worker while also doing a residency at Leith School of Art.  It's been a priviledge for me to work with Christian art students up in Scotland helping them to think through how to live and speak for Jesus on campus.

I’m delighted to be working for UCCF (as of August 2013), with art students in London. It’s a big change for me, moving from Head of Art at a school in the leafy Cotswolds to London and I'm loving it! I am enjoying connecting with other artists in this fantastic city.  
I trained as a painter and dabble with fashion and textiles media too. I'm currently wondering whether or not to make my wedding dress for next summer! It's about time I put some skills learnt at a CSM short course (in Vintage Bridal-wear) to some use. I graduated from Lancaster University in 2002, with a BA Hons in Art; Practice & Theory and previous to that, studied on Foundation at Winchester School of Art.  

I rejoice to belong to the Lord Jesus and there is nothing I love more than opening up his word and talking to people about Him. Jesus has also given me a great love of making and talking about art. An important part of my role is to help Christian art students live gospel-centred lives, and so use their creative gifts with integrity, both in college and beyond.
I'm an Arts Staff Worker working with music, drama, dance and art students up in Glasgow. 
My favourite composer, Gustav Mahler, once penned, "If a composer could say what he had to say in words he would not bother trying to say it in music."  I agree with Mahler. The arts are powerful. Through music, dance, the visual arts, we as human beings are able to express our deepest longings, greatest fears, biggest questions, and profoundest joys. I became a Christian through the arts.  
As such, I am passionate about meeting with musicians and artists who are searching and longing to know both where all the beauty comes from and also how to make sense of those longings, fears, questions, and joys.

I'm  an Arts Staff in wales!


*UCCF stands for 'Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship'.  

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