Thursday, 30 August 2012

Know anyone starting art college this september?

It's an exciting time as freshers prepare to head to art college! But it's a daunting one as well...

If you know anyone who's starting college this september take a few minutes to point them to an article we've recently written just for them!

Craig and I take a few minutes to help answer some questions like:
What does being a Christian look like at art school?
Is God even interested in art?
Does my faith have any bearing on my work as an artist?
What if it's hard being a Christian?

Why not check out the rest of the website too - it's full of really useful articles, talks, and interviews that are all there to equip you to be a thinking Christian...

Friday, 3 August 2012

3 Issues Facing Recent Graduates

Introducing  Moprhē Arts

 Moprhē works predominantly with Christians in the arts with a commitment to biblical discipleship, the study of God's word and prayer. This either happens one to one or at group gatherings and events. We want to encourage graduates to make art that plays it's part in the development of God's world, bringing blessing and influence in the area of the arts they find themselves in. 


Get In touch with Morphē if you are a Christian working in the arts in the UK.

I asked Cully who works for Morphē up in Scotland,
What do you think are the top three issues for art students leaving art school?

1. Lack of artistic community and peer learning
After art school it is not easy to find the community that students experience and graduates can feel isolated.

Morphē provides a network of artists and regular gatherings to meet, share and discuss ideas, and enjoy ongoing critique of work.  Christian artists can belong to a community where no excuses need to be made for their creative practice.

2. Maintaining practice under financial pressure
Art school doesn't seem to prepare graduates for the reality of how to make a living as an artist after art school.
Many artists have to find other ways to pay the bills and often don't have the time or motivation to make art.

Morphē provides mentoring from experienced artists who can advise recent graduates on how to commit to a career in the arts with real expectations.

3. Competition and Opportunities to showcase work
It is difficult to find galleries and agencies who will take on recent graduates or any other opportunities to showcase work as there is a lot of competition. This makes it difficult to gain experience and establish your name in the art world.

Morphē encourages collaboration within the network which encourages artists to help each other. We also offer opportunities for artists to exhibit, to work on projects with others and to take part in art prizes and residencies. Our website has a section dedicated to offering practical resources for seeking opportunities in the art world.

'Beyond Air Guitar' by Ally Gordon has a chapter dedicated to coping with life after art college with resources and interviews with established artists.